I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! It's so simple, yet so AWESOME!:-D
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! It's so simple, yet so AWESOME!:-D
Hey thanks!
Oh, man I haven't seriously watched wrestling since Degeneration X broke up, but I do recognize Lita and Edge and the Big Show... anyway that was totally hilarious! ...Since when did Lita start being with Edge though? And where is Christian? OH MAN! If you had Hulk Hogan that would have been hilarious!!!:D anyway, I loved this and I'll be sure to watch it again sometime.:P
You do that. More on the way, too.
holy, you covered a lot of stuff!
You went over a great deal of stuff, although some things I wish you went over in a little bit more detail. It's alright, I'm sure this will come in handy for lots of newbie Flashers. ;)
I hope it helps the Flash world :P
mmmm, cool!
This was the first dressup game I've actually been able to sit down and play with for a while. Grood job!:-) (heehee, Weird Al is awesome!:-D)
Well, for the second dress up game you can actually be able to sit down and play with for a while can be my "Strife's Dress Up!", my first 5.
hmm, could've been worse.
That was actually pretty good for this type of game. There have been an awful lot of bad ones, and this one actually delivered. :)
this game is soo fun, now I don't have time to study! :-P
Hey, thanks! Sorry for you studing, you must own youself.
Lotsa fun!
I really enjoyed this game, so much so that I'm going to go play it again!:-D
Haha, well thanks and enjoy!
Really forking great!
That's the kind of game I really enjoy. My only beef was that it was too short!:-P Thank you for making this!
No problem ^___^ Thank you for playing!
Very awesome indeed.
You never disappoint with these games! I can't wait to find out what happens next time! :-D
Thanks Apeman505. Well, we try to do the best we can.
heh, kinda cool.
I thought it was interesting, but it was taking too long to get him down to zero health so I stopped doing it.
Buddy, read author's comments....I SAID NOT TO TRY TO GET HP TO 0!! Yeash
Opk, I got a BS theater coming out, and I'm also working on COJ #1. And by "working" I mean whenever I get bored I look at it.
Age 42, Male
Rutgers, New Brunswick
Montague, NJ
Joined on 11/27/01